Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Preventative Measures

I think that it is time we treat global warming like it is happening until we receive scientific data that says that it is not. Here is a link of the top 50 ways that you can help to reduce your supposed affect on global warming.


Emily said...

Those 50 ideas all seemed very reasonable and easy to do it's a wonder that more people don't take action now to prevent global warming. Why do you think many people won't make even the smallest changes, like changing to a more efficient for example,to help prevent global warming? And, besides those 50 ideas, what simple ideas do you have that would help prevent global warming? Great blog. Keep it up!

Kia said...

Obviously nobody wants to cause more polution and increase in global warming. I think the main reason people don't take action is due to lack of education and time to make these "small" changes. We can see over the last ten years that people have become more aware about this issue and therefore there has been a transition to more efficient supplies and this will continue at a higher rate in the future.

Student said...

I agree with Kia that most people are uneducated on the matter. I also think that some people don't realize just how much the little things such as changing to more effective light bulbs can better our global health.