The climate of the earth is increasing. This is common knowledge at this point. So why are people still fighting? In the political world most politicians believe that human
activites have had a great impact on the Earth. This however, is not where the debate is. The problem seems to be in the
scientific community. It seems that half of the scientists believe humans have mostly caused global warming while the other half believe that this is just a part of the
natural fluctuations of the Earth's temperature. Both sides could be right but there is no evidence to solidify either sides stance on the issue. I understand that each side believes they are right, but this affects the entire world and not just the pride of a few scientists. I believe that both sides should come together to try to get more data on global warming because the rift in the scientific community has only created a rift in the quality of data about it. This is unacceptable. The possible risks of global warming more than warrant preventative actions being taken. If we try to prevent things from getting any worse and it turns out that global warming isn't caused by humans, then what have we really given up? But on the other hand if we do nothing, we could end up seeing the death of our
planet because of the
stubborness of some scientists who would rather be right than try to compromise and think about what is better for the world overall.